Are home or business fire and burglar alarms required to be registered with Jerusalem Township or Law Enforcement?
No. Alarm systems are not required to be registered in Jerusalem Township.
Is there a “leash” law in Jerusalem Township?
Yes! Federal Parks, Metroparks, and State of Ohio have a leash law. Dogs must be on a leash no longer than 8 feet. Dogs are not permitted in playground areas. Dog Training Grounds are no leash designated areas. See Magee Marsh Dog Training Grounds Area.
Is there a “pooper scooper” law in Jerusalem Township?
No, due to its rural nature, we do not have any pet waste regulations. However, we always encourage pet owners to clean up after their pets.
Is there a barking dog law?
Township Zoning noise resolutions cover only certain noise issues (please see Zoning Resolution Section 1606): but we encourage residents to be respectful of their neighbors at all times.
Are the Cemeteries maintained by the township?
Jerusalem Township has one cemetery within the township lines which is named Oakwood Cemetery. It is located on Brown Road between Decant and Cousino on the North side of the road. This cemetery was established in 1912. Here is the link to more information:
What is the Conservancy district responsible for?
Chapter 6101 – Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws
Any area or areas situated in one or more counties may be organized as a conservancy district in the manner and subject to the conditions provided by this chapter for any of the following purposes:
(A) Preventing floods;
(B) Regulating stream channels by changing, widening, and deepening the stream channels;
(C) Reclaiming or filling wet and overflowed lands;
(D) Providing for irrigation where it may be needed;
(E) Regulating the flow of streams and conserving their waters;
(F) Diverting or in whole or in part eliminating watercourses;
(G) Providing a water supply for domestic, industrial, and public use;
(H) Providing for the collection and disposal of sewage and other liquid wastes produced within the district;
(I) Arresting erosion along the Ohio shore line of Lake Erie.
This section does not terminate the existence of any district organized prior to July 19, 1937, entirely within a single county.
The purposes of a district may be altered by the same procedure as provided for the establishment of the district.
Coyotes are part of the landscape in all of Ohio, both in rural and urban settings. Contrary to “Urban Legend” coyotes were not reintroduced by Federal Authorities. Coyotes are opportunistic hunters and with the elimination of wolves in Ohio, coyotes have expanded their range and can now be found in all 88 Ohio counties. Coyotes eat a variety of foods including insects, fruits and berries but prey mostly on small mammals such as rabbits and mice. However, they also have been known to take small animals such as dogs and cats. For further questions related to coyotes contact the Ohio Department of Natural Resources at 1-800-945-3543.
Does Jerusalem Township have a curfew law?
No, at this time Jerusalem Township does not have a curfew law.
Who should be called to pick up dead animals?
It depends upon where the dead animal is located. Provided the dead animal is located in the Right-Of-Way (from the center of the road out to the telephone/power line poles or center of the ditch) the following agencies have jurisdiction over State, County or Township roads:
State Roads: (216) 581-2100
County Roads: (419) 213-2800
The RequestTracker is a tool that can be used to report your concerns to the county, and also request services from the county. It can be used for reporting street lights that are out, potholes, or other concerns.
Township Roads: Jerusalem Township – (419) 836-8921 (leave a message on the answering machine)
Does Jerusalem Township have Farm Animal regulations?
Yes! Please see JTWP Zoning Regulations
Garage Sales
Is a permit required for a garage sale in Jerusalem Township?
Permit are not required but signage must comply with Zoning Resoution Section 1804:
What can be done about neighbors who do not mow their grass or if a home is vacant and grass and weeds are left to grow?
Residents may file a complaint. Here is the link to the Citizen Complaint Form: Citizen Complaint Form
The offending property owner will be given notice and if the issue is not corrected, the Township will mow and charge the property owner. Below is information on the process:
Public Notice: Tall Grass/Weeds
Procedure for Noxious Weeds/Tall Grass
Who maintains Greenspace?
Township parks (Verb Park, Kennedy Park, and Recreation Fields) are maintained by the Jerusalem Township Maintenance Department.
Howard Marsh is maintained by the MetroParks
State Parks (Maumee Bay, Mallard Club State Wildlife Area, Metzger’s Marsh) are maintained by the Ohio Department of Natural Resources
Federal Parks (Ottawa National Wildlife Refuge) are maintained by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Who assigns house and mailbox numbers?
The Lucas County Auditor assigns house and mailbox numbers. Please contact the Jerusalem Township Zoning Department (419) 836-4510 for assistance with assigning numbers or correcting “out of order” numbers.
Durable, reflective address markers are available for a small fee through the Jerusalem Township Fire Department. More information is available on the Resources page along with a form for ordering a marker for your home:
What are Jerusalem Township’s regulations pertaining to hunting?
Due to our rural location, hunting is permitted within Township limits providing you have landowner permission, are following Ohio hunting regulations, and are observing hunter safety rules.Hunting and Trapping Regulations | Ohio Department of Natural Resources (
How does the Land Bank process work?
For details on the Land Bank Process please go to Lucas County Land Bank
Is there a noise law?
Township Zoning noise resolutions cover only certain noise issues (please see Zoning Resolution Section 1606): but we encourage residents to be respectful of their neighbors at all times.
Does Jerusalem Township have Off-Road Vehicle Regulations?
Yes! State of Ohio All purpose Vehicle Laws Effective July 1 2010 See Ohio Revised Code Section at Chapter 4519 – Ohio Revised Code | Ohio Laws
Operator’s license
Criminal trespass with APVs. Criminal trespass is the entering or remaining on another’s land without permission or privilege. See Ohio Revised Code for monetary fines.
Registration fees. Registration fees for APVs, snowmobiles and off-highway motorcycles are $31.25 for the three-year registration period. An owner does not have to register an APV that is used primarily on a farm as a farm implement.
Out of state driver’s licenses. Allows a person holding a driver’s license from another state to operate the vehicles.
Impoundment. The new law allows a court to impound the registration and license plate of an APV for no less than 60 days whenever a person is found guilty of operating the vehicle in violation of Ohio law.
Although not recommended, Ohio law permits ATV operators to:
Ohio law states that ATVs shall not be operated as follows:
Howard Marsh Metropark
Rules and regulations are set by the Board of Park Commissioners, the governing body of Metroparks, to protect the public as well as the natural and historical resources entrusted to Metroparks stewardship. Download the complete rules and regulations below.
Dogs: Dogs are welcome at the Howard Marsh Metropark. Dogs must be on leashes at all times. Dogs are not permitted in playground areas or buildings.
Parking: Parking is permitted in designated spaces only. Parking is not permitted on the grass.
Alcohol: Metroparks are alcohol-free. Alcohol is permitted in select rental facilities, subject to terms of the rental agreement.
Trail Use: Walking trails are for pedestrian use only. Bicycles and rollerblades are permitted on all-purpose trails, unless otherwise indicated.
Drones Prohibited: Flying drones and use of other remote-controlled aircraft and watercraft is prohibited in the Metroparks.
Rangers: Metroparks rangers patrol by car, foot and bike, making them available to visitors in all areas of the Metroparks. Rangers are state certified peace officers, trained for emergency response, investigation and reporting. They enforce federal and state laws as well as Park District bylaws and regulations. Metroparks rangers are engaged in the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies process.
Maumee Bay State Park
The most common topics are found below. Ohio Adminstrative Code 1501:46-3 lists more prohibitions.
Dogs: Maumee Bay State Park including the 10 miles of hiking trails and in the campgrounds. While dogs are not allowed at any beaches, either on the Lake Erie shore or at the park’s inland lake, dogs are permitted to take a dip in the water at the end of the inland lake which is on the south side of the road. Pets must be leashed even when in the water, cleaned up after and are not allowed inside any buildings.
Alcohol: Alcohol is prohibited in public areas in every state park. Alcohol may be consumed within the confines and privacy afforded in a cabin, cabin site, lodge room, rented campsite, or in those areas designated by the chief of Ohio State Parks. Exceptions to this include resort lodge restaurants and lounges, which provide complete beverage service. In addition, the golf course pro shops at Maumee Bay offer limited beverage service. The State of Ohio legal age for possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages is 21 years of age.
ATVs and APVs: Not Permitted. These vehicles are not allowed to be operated in Ohio State Parks. The Ohio Division of Forestry has four state forests that have designated areas for ATVs (motorcycles, quad runners and etc.) but no areas for jeeps, trucks and 4WD cars or buses. The Wayne National Forest in southeastern Ohio also has an ATV area designated with similar restrictions.
Firewood: Collecting Firewood in the Park is Prohibited. Collecting firewood and use of chainsaws is prohibited in state parks. Most state parks offer firewood for sale. Ohio Department of Natural Resources and Ohio Department of Agriculture are trying to stop the spread of invasive species and would prefer you get your firewood locally. Firewood is offered for sale at most Ohio State Parks or otherwise available from local private vendors near each park.
Rafts & Pool Toys Not Permitted at Park Swim Areas
The only flotation devices allowed at state park beaches are US Coast Guard-approved life jackets.
Is Jerusalem Township Zoned?
Yes! Jerusalem Township has been zoned since 1958
What types of structures require a zoning certificate?
Information about Zoning permits may be found on the Zoning page: Jerusalem Township Zoning
Who do you call for a building permit?
Contact the Jerusalem Township Zoning Department to apply for a Zoning Permit: (419) 836-4510
What can be done about a home on my street that is in disrepair, with peeling paint and gutters falling off?
Please see Section 1608 of the Jerusalem Township Zoning Resolution:
You may complete a Citizen Complaint form and submit to the Zoning Department. (Zoning Department Drop Box is located in the Township Office foyer).
Alternatively, you may contact the Zoning Department at (419) 836-4510 for assistance in completing the complaint form.
Where can paper, cardboard and cans be recycled in Jerusalem Township?
The Lucas County Solid Waste Division operates a Recycling Drop-off station next to the Jerusalem Township Offices & Fire Station. More information is available at the following link:
Where can I take my hazardous waste for recycling (paint, etc.)?
Below is a link to information on disposal of hazardous waste:
Who is responsible for sidewalks?
The sidewalks in Bono along Route 2 are maintained by the Ohio Department of Transportation. The phone number for the Oak Harbor garage is: 419-898-3917
Who replaces street and traffic signs?
It depends upon whether the sign is on a State, County, or Township road:
State Road: Ohio Department of Transportation
Mike Moreland, Administrator | 614-351-5530
County Road: Lucas County Road Maintenance Department
1049 S McCord Road
Holland, OH 43528
Phone: 419-213-2892
Fax: 419-213-2899
Township Road: (419) 836-8921 (leave a message on the answering machine)
What is the procedure for having a traffic sign installed?
Contact the appropriate entity depending upon whether the sign is on a State, County, or Township road: (419) 836-8921 (leave a message on the answering machine)
State Road: Ohio Department of Transportation
Contact: Mike Moreland, Administrator | 614-351-5530
County Road: Lucas County Road Maintenance Department
1049 S McCord Road
Holland, OH 43528
Phone: 419-213-2892
Fax: 419-213-2899
Township Road: (419) 836-8921 (leave a message on the answering machine)
What streets are not covered by Jerusalem Township Public Works maintenance?
County, State, and private roads are not maintained by Jerusalem Township. Private roads are maintained by residents.
State Road:
County Road:
What are the Lucas County Sheriff’s Office Snow Emergency Levels?
Level I Snow Alert: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow.
Level II Snow Advisory: Roadways are hazardous with blowing and drifting snow. Only those who feel it is necessary to drive should be out on the roadways. Contact your employer to see if you should report to work.
Level III Snow Emergency: All Municipal, Township, County, and State roadways are closed to non-emergency personnel. No one should be out during these conditions unless it is absolutely necessary to travel. Those traveling on the roadways may subject themselves to arrest.
Who is responsible for maintaining blocked pipes and culverts?
The Lucas County Engineer is responsible for maintaining blocked pipes and culverts. You may contact them at: (419) 213-2860
Who do you call when street lights are out?
Call the Township office at (419) 836-8921 and leave a message. Jerusalem Township will work with Toledo Edison to correct the issue.
What streets are maintained by Jerusalem Township?
Who do you call when trash pickup help is needed?
Jerusalem Township contracts for garbage collection. Please see our website for contact information to remedy a missed pick-up or to schedule a bulk item pick-up:
Who is responsible for maintaining trees in the right-of-way?
Jerusalem Township is responsible for maintaining trees in the right-of-way. The Right-Of-Way extends from the center of the road out to the telephone/power line poles or center of the ditch).
If a large tree falls across the road from a resident’s yard, what is the procedure to take care of this?
Call the Township ofice at (419) 836-8921 and leave a message. If the downed tree is posing a risk to safety, please contact one of your Trustees directly to immediately address the issue. Here is the link to your Trustee cell phone numbers:
If a junk vehicle or boat is parked in a yard, can anything be done to have it removed?
Please see the “Removal of Junk Vehicles” link at this web page:
Who can perform civil weddings in the township?
Weddings can be performed by ordained ministers or judges.
Where are yardwaste drop-off sites?
There are no yardwaste drop-off sites in the Township. The nearest site is on Wynn Road in Oregon.
Who can be called regarding problems with deer, raccoons, and other wild animals?
Contact MetroParks Toledo for information on problems with wild animals.